Coffee has gotten a bad rap in the last decade, but that hasn't stopped millions of people from flocking to overpriced coffee shops. And, there's nothing wrong with that. However, people should know more about the coffee they drink than they currently do. The article below has the information you need to become the coffee aficionado you long to be.
Here is a great trick to try if you use softened or distilled water to brew your coffee. Just add a small pinch of salt to the pot after brewing. This may sound crazy, but the salt will add a lot of extra flavor to the coffee! Believe it or not!
Always store your coffee beans or grinds in a dark, cool, airtight container. Even better, use a vacuum container. Storing your coffee in such a container helps keep your coffee smelling and tasting fresh for a long time. Store the container in the fridge or freezer to maximize freshness.
When you brew your coffee at home, do not throw out the used grounds. These coffee grounds might not be good for another cup of coffee, but they are excellent for many other purposes. They are great for composting, exfoliating, cleaning, and quite a few other uses. Don't throw them away!

While your coffee is brewing, try soaking the coffee mugs in hot water. A cold mug will cool off your drink before you can even get it to your lips! When the coffee is ready, simply dry off the mugs and serve. This trick will keep it hot much longer.
Do you enjoy the fancy beverages you can get in coffee shops? You can make most of these beverages at home if you have milk, cream and chocolate syrup. Use the Internet to find tutorials on how to make your favorite drinks and with a little practice, you will be able to make the same beverages you can get at your favorite coffee shop.
Use your used coffee grounds in your compost pile! Coffee grounds offer many beneficial ingredients to a compost pile including pest control. Coffee grounds contain caffeine which helps prohibit the growth of fungus that can quickly destroy your vegetable garden. The next time you brew a fresh pot of joe don't throw away those grounds; add them to your compost pile!
A great tip to remember if you love brewing coffee is to make sure you clean your kitchen equipment now and then. If you don't clean your coffee pot often, it won't take long for the particles to build up and you'll soon start to notice a very bitter taste with your coffee.
Make sure that you always refrain from putting coffee beans in the freezer or refrigerator. When these beans are placed in areas that contain food, it will absorb the smells of the food and take away from the coffee taste. This will ruin the quality of your coffee, as you should always separate beans from other nourishments.

When you are looking for a coffee grinder, do not purchase one that uses blades. Instead, look for one that has cone shaped or grinding burrs to reduce the beans. You will obtain a more consistent cut. Also, the flat blades have a tendency to overheat and can give your coffee a scorched flavor.
While you may find yourself anxious in the early morning, don't pour a cup of joe before it is finished brewing. For the best cup of coffee, the coffee pot should be done brewing before you pour any. To combat this problem, buy a coffee maker that runs on an automatic timer. Your coffee will be ready when you wake up.
Don't let your coffee stay on the burner for any longer than 20 minutes after you have made it. By letting it sit there; you will find your coffee to have a harsh taste. Furthermore, leaving it on the burner for too long can burn both the pot and the coffee.
Coffee beans are grown all over the world, but most people think of Columbia as the origin of most coffee. There are certain regions of the country that produce the most flavorful coffee because of the climate there. Columbian coffee beans that have been roasted properly are thought to produce the best flavor of coffee.

If you like to make many different flavors of coffee, the best way to do so is to add creamers or syrups after you have brewed the coffee. This will prevent you from messing up your machine with a bunch of different flavors. You can also serve guests the flavored coffee that they desire. Add any additional flavors prior to the milk. This gives them a chance to dissolve entirely.
The best tasting coffee comes from the best water. If the water from your tap tastes awful before you make your brew, it is still going to be unpleasant after making your brew. Use bottled water if you have to or purchase a simple filtering system to improve the taste of your water.
Eliminate the expense of coffee shop lattes by making your own at home. With practice you can even teach yourself to create the fancy designs produced by the baristas at your favorite local coffee shop. All you need to perfect your design is patience and practice. Pour the milk into the cup slowly and finish with melted chocolate.
Never store your coffee beans in the refrigerator. Coffee beans tend to soak up odors from other foods in the refrigerator, ruining the taste of your brew. Instead, if you aren't planning to use them within a week or two, store the beans in an air-tight container in the freezer to preserve freshness.
Now that all that is said and done, you are closer to being an expert on coffee. Continue researching the wonderful world of coffee, and it won't cease to reward you. The wonderful aroma and taste of the perfect coffee will continue to please you for the rest of your life.
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